Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Am Developing As Defined By My Research Findings

The program that I am developing as defined by my research findings pertains to older adults or elderly persons who have suffered loss and what can help them cope with, heal from, and experience growth throughout their grieving process. This program is designed to enhance my church, to be an addition to an already existing church. Those who staff this program volunteer their time and are a part of the church staff. Damianakis (2012) shines light on the influence of spirituality and religion in assisting older adults grieving the absence of their partner within the framework of a model of group psychotherapy, which has produced many positive changes in these grieving ones’ self-identity, their grieving the absence of their partner, and becoming socially connected again with others (Damianakis, 2012). I am also incorporating Hayward’s (2014) points regarding a connection between religious uncertainties with mental health succeeding grief among older adults. The ones who h arbored a greater amount of religious uncertainty stated that their symptoms became more severe, but those with less uncertainty stated that their symptoms were either steady or getting better throughout the same duration (Hayward, 2014). Kim et al. (2011) mentions that the discovery of meaning played a major role in inducing distinct variances in personal strength around 6 months after an older person’s partner passed away. Possessing greater religiosity was precisely connected to a greater degree of personalShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Plan For The Professional And The Academic Field1521 Words   |  7 PagesDevelopment Needs Analysis Introduction Why a development planning is important to a learner who wants to succeed in the professional and the academic field? 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I have chosen this research question because I aspire to become a teacher after graduating therefore curious about what the job entails. In July 2016 the Times Educational

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Theme Of Social Class In Jane Eyre - 704 Words

Some subjects that are in this novel are equality, freedom and social class. The theme of freedom is shown throughout the novel. For example, when Jane is getting ready to marry Mr Rochester. She learns that he is actually married. She refuses to be his mistress and says in chapter 37 â€Å"I am my own mistress†. After his wife dies near to the end, she is still hesitate to become fully dependent on him for his money. She wants to be her own person and wants to work as Adà ¨les tutor for her own living. Another theme in this novel is social class, Jane is very intelligent and sophisticated. Although she is seen as a very smart and needed person as a teacher, she is continuously treated as a servant. She continues to stay poor and be treated†¦show more content†¦The rooms color of red represents rebirth, rage and passion. This is a set up for what is to happen later in the writing. Foreshadowing- Brontà « uses foreshadowing through the weather to show that Jane and Mr Rochester’s first wedding will not work. For example, the night before, the weather was terrible. On page 320 it is described as â€Å"The clouds drifted from pole to pole fast following mass on mass, no glimpse of blue sky†. The horrible weather sets tone for the wedding the next day. A dark and twisted day was to come. Allusion- Brontà « uses many biblical references in this novel. For example on page 525, Jane refers to the biblical story of Genesis. She says â€Å"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man†. This shows her development as becoming an equal with her now husband, Mr Rochester. Irony- When Mr Rochester tells Jane that he wants to be with her. Although she has been searching for love and needing it, she ironically denies. On page 268 she says â€Å"I am a free human being with an independent will: which I now exert to leave you.† This shows her character development of being independent and having her own freedom. Motif- The reoccurring symbol of fire is throughout the novel. It can often represent, destruction and evil. For example when Bertha sets fire to the house and burns it down. On page 494, Jane describes the home â€Å" I looked with timorous joy toward a statelyShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Social Class In Jane Eyre1000 Words   |  4 Pages Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist: Defining Class In this paper I will talk about the running theme of social class in the literary works Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and how they define social class in the Victorian era in a negative light. In these novels the characters have a hard time reaching a higher social status, and children of lower social class are often treated as animals. In these works of literature both authors depict social class in the Victorian eraRead MoreFeminism in Jane Eyre1317 Words   |  6 PagesFeminism in Jane Eyre After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman. Jane is disadvantaged in many ways as she has no wealth, family, social position or beauty. Jane does have intelligence though, and her disposition is such to make Rochester fall in love with her. Through a serious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the author set up a great female image before us: insisting on maintaining an independent personality, pursuing individual freedom, advocatingRead MorePride And Prejudice And Jane Eyre1681 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte explore social class in a number of different ways throughout their novels Pride and the Prejudice and Jane Eyre. They do this through the use of stylistic devices which in turn appeals to their different audiences. Both Jane and Charlotte are notable writers for their remarkable texts. Jane Austen is known for playing a revolutionary role in the generation of English female literature, which was counteracted by this piece- and Charlotte Bronte alsoRead MoreCharlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre984 Words   |  4 PagesCharlotte Brontà « wrote Jane Eyre. The novel is a highly fascinating piece of gothic literature based during the nineteenth century. The story unfolds around a young Jane Eyre who grows both in character and body. She experiences love and mystery. She, through many trials, finds a true, wholesome, and godly relationship with the main male protagonist, Mr. Rochester. Jane Eyre occurs during the early nineteenth century in northern Britain. It takes place in multiple locations: â€Å"the Reed family’sRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1552 Words   |  7 PagesBrontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre deals with a young orphan girl who lives a very repugnant life; the transition from her childhood to adulthood makes the reader effectively understand the character’s struggles and accomplishments. When reading this novel, a reader’s imagination can travel back to the Victorian age in England, where everything was differentiated between the men and women of this time era. This can aid readers to get a prominent picture of the life of the main character, Jane. Jane Eyre portraysRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1554 Words   |  7 PagesBrontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre deals with a young orphan girl who lives a very repugnant life; the transition from her childhood to adulthood makes the reader effectively understand the character†™s struggles and accomplishments. When reading this novel, a reader’s imagination can travel back to the Victorian age in England, where everything was differentiated between the men and women of this time era. This can aid readers to get a prominent picture of the life of the main character, Jane. Jane Eyre portraysRead MoreThe Presentation of Isolation in Jane Eyre and the Wide Sargasso Sea1546 Words   |  7 PagesIsolation in Jane Eyre and the Wide Sargasso Sea. The theme of isolation is explored in Bronte’s novel; Jane Eyre. This theme is also developed in The Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys. Both pieces present different types of isolation, such as isolation due to location and the isolation of a character due to their social status, such as Jane’s status as a governess. 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One major characteristic function of the Gothic fictions is to open the fiction to the realm of the irrational and perverse narratives, obsessions, and nightmarish terrors that hide beneath the literally civilized mindset in order to demonstrate the presence of the uncanny existing in the world known rationally through experienceRead MoreThe Social Hierarchy Of Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1262 Words   |  6 PagesIn Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Jane Eyre, Bronte seemingly condemns the existing social hierarchy. Not only are the characters who are most concerned with the allure of fortune and rank portrayed as either deceitful or unethical, but even characters who’ve accepted their means of poverty and demonstrate honest moral natures are mocked. Rather than use the normal class structures, the book suggests that a person of imp overished means can be viewed as socially respectable with the condition that they

Friday, December 13, 2019

What are the Marketing Strategies Free Essays

What is Marketing? The supply of products and services of high quality is the relationship between the company and its customers to use management as a marketing tool. Consumer products and services of the Organization of force and focus on quality and a different style depending on product type and product promotion and marketing of products / services for visitors and a strategic plan based on planning. Segmentation of Market: Retail marketing strategy for each of the areas, and create an organization based on the quality it provides. We will write a custom essay sample on What are the Marketing Strategies or any similar topic only for you Order Now This requires an understanding of customer needs in each region, so the product quality improvement and service sector development needs to be able to deal with the organization. Strategies of marketing of various techniques and strategies to overcome the competitors planning. Balance Scorecard: Balance scorecard has a huge used of management to assess the overall performance and to check the three key areas; the first one is customer retention rate, on the other hand, satisfaction of user and finally profitability share. Marketing Mix: The marketing mix indicates that most of the focus on the promotion of education and distribution of products, promotion, however. Thus, can the relative influence of these studies do not provide insight into mouth marketing and risk of suffering a variableThe variable bias firm cannot be linked to strategy matter. At the level of relevant personal interview with Iran Research on various consumer packaged goods managers Companies focus on the coverage of similar relax in the field of research and advertising industry. The director on whether the interest in trust, this means that the product is the original error distribution performance played a big brand. Accordingly to the question, â€Å"How can impact of brand marketing mix fairly for long timeIt was a high priority to research Marketing Science 1988 (for example, marketing in the company after Science Institute, 2008). One reason of this question was around for a long time. There is a need to respond to this combination extens ive data and method that can be measuring the effects on long-term deal with the ordinary experimental modelling challenges. Marketing Strategies: Marketing strategies work as the mainstay of the market to fill the needs of the market and marketing plans designed to reach the goals. Plans and objectives are usually measured by test results Overall, the plan multi-year marketing strategy as a strategy based on specific steps to complete the current year plan with the details. Time horizon, according to a marketing plan vary from one company, by industry, and the United Nations, however, the time horizon over climate change and the speed is small Marketing strategies and a dynamic and modern. Bush plans to partially random and partially. Marketing strategy of internal and external environment shows the summary of SWOT analysis survey. Internal environmental factors are use in the marketing mix, as well as performance analysis and include reduction strategy. Environmental externalities and analysis of customers, competition, and target market analysis with the analysis of technological, economic, cultural or political / legal environment impact is likely to succeed, including a set of elements. An important part of marketing strategy in many cases is the company’s mission statement to keep in line with the mass marketing. Once you have an integrated environment, and develop a strategic action plan to identify options, the aim of the challenge, the maximum of the marketing mix to achieve these goals, and are evaluated in detail the construction process can scan. To develop a strategy for marketing and development, the final step in a series of contingency plans in case of problems that arise in this process to monitor the project. Marketing can develop a strategy unique work and one disagrees about. However, a common strategy aimed at a number of ways. Schemes listed below and a brief description of the most common classification. Strategy always based on market position – in the chart, and classified companies in market share, or the basis of the dominance of the industry. There are usually four types of strategy to dominate the market. ?Leader ?Challenger ?Follower Porter, a simple strategy: It is use as the strategic capabilities and strategic dimension of strategic power. Scope of the strategy refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to a strong competitive advantage sustainable. Common strategic framework (Porter 1984) with two ranges of alternative includes two alternatives. This is the difference between the low-cost leadership focus and dimension and wide or narrow is with all of them. ?Product differentiation: ?Cost leadership: ?Market segmentation: Innovation strategy: New product development and innovation business model that deals with the rate of the company. Ask that whether of the company was on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. Strategic Models: Most of the participant’s arkytng models marketing strategy and the tools necessary to analyze the employee’s decision. Begins with strategic analysis, strategic environment can be used to achieve a comprehensive understanding. As off Matrix and the one often mix the marketing strategy used to identify sites of expression. It can be used to explain the marketing strategy 4ps for planning ahead. Many companies, particularly in the area of consumer goods package (CPG) market that the buyer business customers and retailer focused on the need to adopt principles of operation. The marketing departments of these download time consumer spending in the targeted categories, buyers and retail partners and relevant ideas (both thinking and behaviour) identified by the search for growth opportunities. The development of opportunities and changes in market trends, and emerging the changing, dynamics of the region challenges. The 4ps can be used to check the defined strategy of the company. Internal team is also marketing the brand or operational business development opportunities and strategies so that the potential for new products or by request can include services and the beneficiaries to start preparing for the same priority can be changed 7Ps. The managers always use the method of perception and experience to handle and exclusive situations in their day to day business. A consumer who uses the osmosis knowledge can easily judge the marketing employed. The main purpose of the marketing budget is to focus to enhance the value of the firm, but on the other side of this concept is the stock price usually fluctuates. This stock price fluctuation is the result of increase in financial revenue. Due to the above measurements marketing expenditure can affect the marketing investment in a long term. The market base asset depends upon the market action to market place outcomes, which can attain from the exploring relationships. To explore and define these issues, a small group introduce a five key elements areas. 1-Market Drivers: It defines that to get information regarding stock price of main customers, brand and marketing assessmentHow can you define the relationship of short-range versus long-run group performance? The market based elements should be on the both sides. 2. Awareness of brand valuation: There is different methodologies use for the valuation of brand but still it’s questionable that wither the brand has ability to capture the market share or it faces the negative response. The brand directly affects the level of each activity such as cash flows, risk elements, growth and cost of risk capital. 3. Dare the efficient market hypothesis: It is being observe that the market base on the assumptions and strategies which focus mainly on the segmentation and differentiation which all cause the market imperfect. The results of all the above activities can be judge through the positive results inform of retention of customers and positive stock returns etc. 4. The investor sector treats as customer: While communicate the investor community it’s important to evaluate that the right community is being address. The major focus should be on the activities that the companies present themselves in a way so that they can get the major share of the investor’s market. 5. Analyzing the analysts: The recommendation of an analyst will be suitable for the business organisation in order to brand equity and the most important that the analyst closely observe the market events or not because it directly effects the prices of a products. A firm worth can be measured by analysis of its cash flows as well as growth and risk link with the future cash flows. The market performance could be examined through the following relationship: Market based assets: It consists of brand, customers, innovations and channels. It seems that they have not value but they have a sound impact over the market. Marketing capabilities: Market orientation and expertise places a major role in perfect utilised use of resources. Marketing actions: Market action based on strategy development and extension of business models that leverage marketing assets and capabilities. MODES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR CRITICAL MARKETING AND THE MAINSTREAM: There are three possible types of engagement the oppositional mode, the revivalist mode and the therapeutic mode. 1- Oppositional: This situation against key marketing and acting dialectically with the mainstream a separate alternative and present themselves – discipline approach and marketing. This Reference is to submit their methods distinct from the development of critical infrastructure, awareness base, vocabulary, etc., and the various major networks, conferences, Magazines, in opposition to the dominant people, and so on. The goal is to establish Alternative agenda, marketing, and the prevailing philosophy is based on strength and attacks her Institutions and more than willing to take. The network marketing will separate the principal and other educational institutions as a focal, Development of the theory and methods, research and education centre for programs, Anti attract scientists and ideas that have proven effective are ready to attack and change Prevailing. 2- Revivalist: This important project is busy with the mainstream and to encourage his methods of investigating the original and important educational values and the return of a doubt. Evidence of the time on the basis of marketing power lost the original harmonies and creativity, this was counterbalanced by a healthy suspicion and criticism fixed ideas. Instead of, in these days, through the knowledge of the Supreme transmission, the recipient is limited to receive texts become ossified in Philosophy of Kotler is to managerial skills to take, as set out below as status the direction of the search method. 3- Therapeutic: This approach as a sign of mainstream marketing ideas, the philosophy of group and marketing power of knowledge in education, social and economic relations (System (1999 Wilmot). Demystify and democratize the importance of the role of marketing. Marketing knowledge and wean direction away from the mainstream to help fetishism marketing techniques and texts. Conclusion: According to our global environment business it is not tough to makes a very popular to your business and to enhance it according to your desire over the world. Today a firm cannot get success without develop a progressive business strategy that can provide a strategic fit between its resources and to change the business strategy. In this case study, you can get the ideas regarding to Literature review by using a long range of strategies based on the market mix and market drivers to achieve organizational goals. The strategies should be build as customer friendly and to help the customer through continuing the services to Independent business owners, members and Clients. How to cite What are the Marketing Strategies, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dead Poets Society Analysis free essay sample

However, Mr. Keating believes that if they do this, all the students will hate school because they have nothing to look forward to except more homework and more tests. Mr. Keating also becomes the only teacher whose students look forward to his class. Not only is he an amazing teacher, he also befriends many of his students, especially Neil Perry. At one point, Neil goes to Mr. Keating to find out what he should do when his father approaches him and tells him he was to drop out of the play. Neil never would have even thought to ask him had Mr. Keating not made a conscious effort to befriend him. Neil knew that if he asked any of the other teachers, they would side with his father and tell him to drop out as well. He went to Mr. Keating because he always told his class to seize the day. We will write a custom essay sample on Dead Poets Society Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This was Neils way of seizing the day; he found the one thing that he wanted to do, and Mr. Keating supported it. Even though some speculate that it was Mr. Keating who encouraged Neil to commit suicide, it was not. It could be blamed on any number of things, but it is very clear that Mr. Perry pushed Neil to end his own life, and it was unfair when Mr. Keating was extracted from the school’s administration. Dead Poets Society Analysis free essay sample The boys form the DPS for various reasons. First is the attraction to the activities. Keating romantically describes the DPS as a rebellious and mysterious gathering for reading poetry, wooing women, and creating gods. Neil, a student suppressed and controlled by his father, finds the risk of breaking rules attractive, for he sees it as a way to establish his own identity and regain control over his life. Charlie joins for a similar sense of adventure. The other students are not so eager to engage in risky activities and are reluctant to join. Charlie and Neil persuade, pressure, and negotiate to get these students to take part in the DPS. Norms are established at the first meeting (some are adopted from Keatings suggestions). They include the time (after lights-out at Welton) and location (a local cave) of the meetings, as well as the opening ritual of reading a Thoreau poem. We will write a custom essay sample on Dead Poets Society Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rebellious behavior (e. g. , smoking, drinking) is encouraged and a ritual dance is developed. It is agreed that Todd will be the clubs secretary because he does not like to read aloud. Storming occurs when Charlie announces that he wrote a letter to the school newspaper requesting that girls be admitted to Weltonand signed it from the DPS. This causes dissension because he did not ask for the others opinions on the matter and because it calls attention to the secret club. Charlie shows loyalty to his friends and assumes responsibility for his actions by taking the punishment for the letter. Similar acts of loyalty and support regarding Neils acting, Knoxs pursuit of a girlfriend, and Todds assertiveness are the essential ingredients of the groups performing stage. Neils suicide puts the club to the test as the administration coerces members to blow the whistle on each other and on Mr. Keating. This leads to more storming within the DPS and causes marginal members such as Cameron (Kussman) to abandon their loyalty. Although all the members except Charlie sign the confession statement that is forced upon them, the core members of the DPS remain cohesive. They perform one final rebellious act together: standing on their desks and acknowledging Keating as their captain.