Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Essay - 1811 Words

Bipolar Disorder INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to discuss bipolar disorders in adolescents. This paper will include a discussion on what bipolar disorders are. There will be a presentation of the causes and symptoms of bipolar disorders. There will be a discussion of the medical as well as the therapeutic interventions and this paper will also include the importance of treatment. WHAT ARE BIPOLAR DISORDERS? Bipolar disorder is a disease that affects one in every five Americans. Bipolar disorders often called Manic Depression, involve the appearance of two extreme emotional states. Adolescents that suffer from bipolar disorders alternate between manic and depressive episodes. Bipolar disorders are not†¦show more content†¦Among pairs of fraternal twins, who have about half their genes in common, both twins have bipolar disorder in less than fifteen percent cases in which one twin has the disorder. Waltz (2000), states that the degree of genetic influence comes from studies of adopted children with bipolar disorder. These studies show that biological relatives have a higher incidence of bipolar disorder than do people in the general population. Personal or work related stress can trigger a manic episode, but this usually occurs in people with a genetic vulnerability (Burns, 1999). Other factors such as childhood experiences and social conditions seem to have relatively littl e influence in causing bipolar disorder. One study examined a pair of twins in which only one member of the pair had bipolar disorder. The study found that regardless of whether the parent had bipolar disorder or not, the twins had the same high ten percent rate of bipolar disorder. This observation suggests that risk for bipolar illness comes from genetic influence, not from exposure to a parent’s bipolar illness or from family problems caused by that illness. Brain Differences According to Waltz (2000), a deletion on chromosome 22 is probably at least part of the problem, likely leading to structural differences in the developing brain. The brain is the most complex and least understood organ in the body. It is the focal point ofShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )847 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Bipolar Disorder† Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness, which involves hypomanic episodes, which are changes in someone’s usual mood. Originally, Bipolar Disorder was called manic depression because it does share similar symptoms with people diagnosed with depression. Bipolar Disorder is a severe condition because it can cause mania, which then causes hallucinations and paranoid rage. (Bipolar Disorder) Bipolar Disorder is classified into two categories, bipolar type 1 and bipolar type 2. 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The first misconception surrounding bipolar disorder is that it is just one disease, contrarily it can be divided into two different sub categories. The National InstituteRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1010 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction/Overview of Condition Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a severe mental illness (SMI) characterized by dramatic mood â€Å"swings† between manic and depressed states. In their manic states, individuals experience an abnormally elevated mood characterized by extreme, grandiose gestures and ideas, inflated self-esteem, lack of sleep, constant talking, distractibility, poor judgement, and even aggression (Griggs). Individuals can be characterized as having either a hypomanic episode or a manic episodeRead MoreBipolar And Bipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1397 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Bipolar robs you of that which is you. It can take from you the very core of your being and replace it with something that is completely opposite of who and what you truly are† (A. Reyan 2015). Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that alters a person’s life, they can never go back to who they were before. â€Å"It is estimated that more than 10 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder† ( 2015). Bipolar disorder is broken down into two types; bipolar I and bipolar II disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1536 Words   |  7 PagesBipolar disorder has been gaining more and more attention over the last few years. With shootings on the rise, or at least the publicity of them, people are often pointing their fingers at mental diseases including bipolar disorder. An ongoing issue regarding mental illnesses, however, is the population has failed to fully understand what they truly are, the symptoms, and how to treat them. Bipolar disorder, which is commonly referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a disorder within the brainRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1447 Words   |  6 Pages Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness in which common emotions become intensely and often unpredictably magnified. Individuals with bipolar disorder can quickly swing from extremes of happiness, energy and clarity to sadness, fatigue and confusion. Bipolar disorder more commonly develops in older teenagers and young adults; it can appear in children as 6. The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown; there are two types of this disease: Types of the bipolar disorder: People with bipolarRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1155 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar Disorder Research Paper What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar Disorder is an increasingly common mood disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. In order to understand the plight of any psychiatric patient suffering from this ailment or to be prepared to treat this disease, it is pertinent to first understand what this mental disorder truly is. The first misconception surrounding bipolar disorder is that it is just one disease, contrarily it can be divided into two different sub categoriesRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1541 Words   |  7 PagesManic depression, also known as Bipolar Disorder is not your normal up and down mood change; it’s not like what most people experience, getting a little sad and getting over it. Instead it is extreme mood swing that â€Å"usually going from EXTREMLY happy to EXTREMLY angry† also include emotional highs and lows such as, depression and mania. Mood changes can happen as little as a few times a year or as often as several times a week; it depends on the person and thei r environment. 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